Nguyễn Hải Long

Nguyễn Hải Long

Frontend Developer

My Contact

Nguyễn Hải Long
Ha Dong, Ha Noi


Tailwind CSS
Material UI
Html, Css, JS
Mapbox, Leaflet

Education Background



Engineer's degree, Information Technology

Grade: 3.3

2015 - 2019



TOEIC Certificate | Listening and Reading

Score: 845/990 · April 2023

About Me

As a Frontend Developer, I specialize in JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js and Next.js. I have a proven track record in developing real-time web applications for managing automated devices, including self-driving cars, robots, and drones. Additionally, I create CRM systems, internal management platforms for organizations, and landing pages using WordPress.

Professional Experience

Phenikaa-X Joinstock Company | Frontend Developer

03/2023 - Present

Key Responsibilities

  • Design and build efficient, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing UI components.
  • Work closely with backend developers to integrate the user interface with APIs and server-side services.
  • Receive requests from autopilot engineers to provide solutions for the project .
  • Receive customer requests and design activity flow on the website
  • Troubleshoot and fix bugs related to the user interface.
  • Use version control tools like Git to manage and collaborate on project development.

Phenikaa-X Joinstock Company | Frontend Intern

01/2023 - 03/2023

Key Responsibilities

  • Research and learn web development technologies
  • Develop new features for the self-driving vehicle monitoring web system
  • Refactor and fix remaining errors in the old website system


Autonomous Car Management System

A suite of web applications designed to manage, monitor, and control autonomous vehicles efficiently.

Technologies: Vue.js, Socket.IO, Three.js, MongoDB, Mapbox, Leaflet

AutoCar Admin: A web application for managing maps, cars, and locations, as well as real-time monitoring of autonomous cars, includes the following main functions :

  • User authentication and authorization.
  • Management of users, cars, maps, and locations.
  • Logging and Error history management.
  • Real-time monitoring of autonomous cars.
  • Order management for autonomous cars.

AutoCar Tablet App: A web app designed for in-vehicle tablets, enabling operators to control and monitor autonomous cars, includes the following main functions :

  • Manual control of autonomous car via the tablet interface.
  • Real-time monitoring of autonomous car operations.
  • Visualization of LiDAR sensor data with 3D Model.

AutoCar Ground Control: A web-based monitoring system that provides camera feeds and remote control capabilities for overseeing autonomous cars.

  • Real-time monitoring of autonomous car via integrated cameras.
  • Remote control of car using a G29 controller.

Phenikaa University Help Desk Website

A website supports Phenikaa University students to answer questions about their studies and helps connect lecturers with students to improve the quality of learning, teaching and exams.

Technologies: Next.js, Socket.IO, MaterialUI, MongoDB

Key features include:

  • Real-time chat system, enabling students to directly interact with lecturers or support staff for prompt responses to their inquiries.
  • Feedback mechanism to improve the quality of responses provided.
  • User management system, including synchronization of user data (lecturers and students) directly from the university's API.
  • Class management with syncing class data from the university's API.
  • Reporting and analytics with filters.
  • Secure user authentication and authorization, with support for Microsoft and Google login integrations.
  • Logging and history management system for tracking user activities and system events.
  • Streamlined application submission process for students, with a review workflow managed by support staff.

Vicostone Reward Website

A website enables Vicostone Canada customers to claim rewards for their purchases and assists Vicostone Canada administrators in promoting products and managing reward claims.

Technologies: Next.js, MaterialUI, MongoDB

Key features include:

  • User management, authentication, and authorization.
  • Synchronization and management of products from the company's API.
  • Monthly reward statement management.
  • Form submission for reward claims.
  • Reporting and analytics with advanced filtering options.

Drone In Box Website

A web application for managing, monitoring, and controlling Drone In Box systems.

Technologies: Next.js, Socket.IO, Material-UI, MongoDB, Leaflet

Key features include:

  • Real-time monitoring of drone and box operations with camera feeds and statistics.
  • Remote manual control of drones and boxes through the website.
  • Creation of automated drone flight missions.
  • Management of users, drones, boxes, and maps.
  • User authentication and authorization.

Phenikaa Semiconductor Training Center Website

A Landing page to promote for Phenikaa Semiconductor Training Center to provide information about activities, courses and attract students.

Technologies: Wordpress, HTML, CSS

PhenikaaMec Website

A Landing page to promote for Phenikaa Mec and provide information about hospital and medical.

Technologies: Wordpress, HTML, CSS